26/12/2017BOXING DAY CLASSICS | Sarratt Village, Herts | 26/12/17:
It’s that festive time of the year when everyone gets into a state of comatose from overindulging in food and drink. However for those in need of a break from stuffing their faces and drinking themselves to sleep or just simply need to get some fresh air away from the stench of stale farts fueled by sprouts and stuffing; and let’s face it, it’s no use blaming it on the dog because everyone knows it’s you, we have the perfect remedy for you and it’s not Windeeze, Deflatine or any other medication used to treat flatulence…. it’s a Classic Car meet.
It doesn’t matter whether you are into Vintage, Classic, Retro, Hot Rod, Muscle, Modified, Performance or any other form, maybe you are simply an all-around car nut? there’s a good chance that over the festive break there will be some sort of motoring or motorsport related gathering happening around the UK near-ish to you.
For us, it’s the annual Boxing Day Classics on the village green in the sleepy village of Sarratt, Hertfordshire. This year the weather was rather kind to us, the sun was shining bright and as ever there was a fantastic array on show to be enjoyed hand in hand with a nice pint at the local pub on the village green.
If you have something which is your pride & joy and have it tucked up away for the winter, maybe pull that cover off, fire it up and get out to a meet in it near you, besides it’s got to be better than sitting on the sofa watching crap on TV right? …..oh unless it’s a day of Car SOS, Chasing Classic Cars, Fast & Loud or Wheeler Dealers then we shall let you off.