12/09/2024 Off By admin

This weekend under the cover of darkness, 35 crews armed with OS Maps 118 and 119 will depart from the Knot Inn, Rushton to take on a 110-mile adventure in the lanes of Cheshire, Derbyshire, and Staffordshire. With tar, gravel, grass, concrete, and everything in between lying in wait, one thing that is for certain is, that a great night of motorsport is on the cards for all.

The Ecurie Royal Oak Motor Club’s “no-nonsense” Navigational Road Rally – The Oaks Trophy Rally, makes a welcomed return for its twenty-first edition this Saturday night. The fun will begin with a new, early special test before the crews then head out into some of the finest lanes that the country has to offer; for which “some say” rival those that can be found across the border in Wales – cue gasps of shock-horror and an air of disbelief!

Once again supported by Race and Competition Equipment (R.A.C.E), Stoke-on-Trent, and a qualifying round of the ANWCC and ANCC Road & Navigation Rally Championships, the event has attracted a top line-up of talent this year. However, as we all know, should all the stars align on the night for any one of those 35 crews, be they expert, semi-expert, or novice, absolutely any of those starters “could” walk away with the trophy, in addition to the hearty breakfast provided that fills their tummies at the end of the antics the next morning.

Just a week before the off and drama had already made an appearance, sadly for our 2023 Oaks Trophy winner, Tom Williams. Williams, unfortunately, will not start the event due to mechanical issues with the MK1 Escort, which he is unable to resolve in time. Alas, his partner in crime from last year, Rob Bryn “Chicken” Jones has instead been snapped up by last year’s runner-up, Jon Bossen to sit alongside him for the ride; they will be sporting the number 1 on the doors of their MKII Ford Escort.

Photos: Jon Bossen – By Shaun Hughes | James Dowley – By Rally Power Pics

In at number two and hot on their heels is the Telford pairing of James Dowley & Daren Ikin, also in an MKII Ford Escort. Third overall on last year’s event Co-Driver Ikin has been employed by Dowley this year, a man himself who has ample results recorded on his CV; one should therefore be keeping an eye on this pairing as they aim for glory at the weekend.

Meanwhile, Rally of Derbyshire organisers Richard Hunter & Gary Evans, perhaps also considered somewhat as “Local Legends of the 118 & 119 maps”, are seeded at three and also make their return to the ANCC Championship at the Oaks. However, their lack of seat time over recent years, having been heavily involved in event organising could well be their first port for an excuse should they not deliver anything but a strong result this weekend.

We are pleased to report that the temptation for another shot at the Oaks Trophy proved all too much for Matthew Jones, who slid his entry in under the nose at the eleventh hour before entries closed. Returning to the event piloting a Vauxhall Astra and hoping to better his previous result last year of a third-place finish; this time he will be joined by Richard Morris in the silly seat as they throw their names into the hat.

Photo: Matthew Jones – Supplied By ERO

Rounding out the top five in the seeding and in another MKII Ford Escort, is Wayne Langthorne with Sam Spencer alongside. Langthorne who is partial to a bit of stage rallying was another to score well on the Amigos Rally of Derbyshire back in February.

Outside of the top five seeds, the strong lineup continues, so let’s take a look at the other runners and riders who are on form. Currently leading the driver’s standings in both the ANCWW and the ANCC, Welshman Shaun Bee in the Honda Civic would surely be worth a bob or two down at the bookies?

Photo: Shaun Bee – By David Hales

Behind him in the ANCC driver’s standings, there is a tight battle developing between the likes of Kris Coombes and Ryan Tubman, who are tied on Championship points heading into the Oaks. They will both no doubt be looking to score well at the weekend, in an attempt to close down the gap to Bee out front, as the Championship reaches the mid-point in the season. The Oaks will also be Kris’s first event back on the saddle since a foot operation, so could the “Mighty Micra” put in a giant-killing performance on the night?

Of course, when one also considers past Oaks victors and experiences for the win, any number of crews on the start list could tick that box, but how about our 2003 winning paring off Simon Cottrell and Sambo Collis in at number eight?

Photo: Simon Cottrell – Self-Submitted (Credit not provided)

Cottrell’s very own road rallying story began with the Oaks Trophy way back in the class of 1987 when this “Special Event” gave birth to his obsession with this form of motorsport. Despite retiring from the event last year, the Ecurie Royal Oaks’ very own club member with his local knowledge, coupled with the safe pair of hands that is Mr Collis on the maps, could still be worth a flutter on?

At the other end of the scale, there is a healthy pack of novices on the start list, all wanting to make strides in the sport. Here is where we could also perhaps see some friendly rivalry amongst fellow ERO club members. Newcomer to the sport, Martin Amery, will be getting involved by sitting in the Co-Drivers seat beside his more experienced father, Stephen. The Amery father and son pairing will also be pitching themselves up against another ERO father-son pairing of Morgan & Dan Knight, who finished sixteenth together on the event last year.

Photos: Peugeot – Amery | Micra – Knight | Self-Submitted (credits not supplied)

So with that in mind, could 2024 perhaps deliver a surprise, with some fresh up-and-coming talent taking the spoils? 

As the anticipation and excitement builds, the Ecurie Royal Oak Motor Club, looks forward to welcoming all competitors, volunteers, and marshals along on the night and would also welcome any donations towards the North West Air Ambulance services, a worthy cause for which the event is raising funds on behalf of.

The full-seeded entry list for 2024 The Oaks Trophy Rally is available: